
30 May 2013


Just like any kid... when they are too tired, they tend to throw tempers.

But the worst is showing it in public. Bawling, kicking, so poor thing. And the parents are made to look bad, like some sort of criminal. 

And so, mine did. I left her sitting on the ground crying till she gets enough. And the problem is, just so coincidentally, people starting crowding around where we stood and I sensed that a bunch of school girls wanted to return their trolley. My kid was blocking their way so I went up to her and lifted her off by her arm. And just when I was walking over, I heard this coming out from one of the girls. 



I tell you, if I wasn't fuming mad, I would have said this "Are you talking about yourself?" and walk off. 

What's with the younger generation nowadays? Not street smart, not conscious and considerate. So far different from our batch of nerds and geeks. 

And it's because of the way these kids were brought up, I remind myself to teach my toddler proper manners. To be sympathetic, kind and be aware. 

And these manners have to be taught from young. 

She says "thank you" whenever we hand things to her.  

When I coughed, she would pat my chest. When she saw a bruise or cut on anyone in the family, she would immediately run for Zambuk (ointment) and apply it for us.

If someone unfamiliar pass her goodies, she would refuse.

These are just a few of the good parts of my kid. My point is, a child can be taught and guided. If you were haphazard in forming your child's crucial foundation, then the child will most probably grow up to be someone inconsiderate and of mean behavior. And that leads to another topic - the one recently reported on The New Paper that 2 train commuters had a row in the train about Priority Seat. I will talk about that separately. 

So, how would you like to mold your kids? 

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