
15 July 2013

Cheated, Again

The last incident took place like less than a month ago and then the same thing happened to me again.

I was just too trusting and soft hearted... I shouldn't have given them the chance.

A Malaysian durian seller came to my doorstep promoting his durians. I asked him for the rate and how much each durian weighs. He said I'm not obliged to buy if I didn't like it. The rate he quoted was $9/kg and that each one weighs about 1-2kg.

He told me he would come down in another 30min time to get the fruits.

When he came, he brought another partner with him. He opened the first durian and let me take a seed to sample... I turned around and gave my toddler to eat and that was when he opened the second durian! It took place too fast! I didn't even have the chance to say STOP! And then he just dropped both opened durians inside the brown bag and weighed... said it was 6.8kg and quoted me 60 odd dollars. I was shocked! They even said my neighbor upstairs bought from them too at 3 for $108.

The first guy told the partner to just quote me $60 since I was their last customer. I was reluctant. How can 2 durians cost me $60 ?! I didn't think much then and I was all alone in the house tending to my child. I just wanted them to leave. I had their 'namecard' so that I could call them for enquiries.

I opened the door and the partner just put the bag on the floor. I didn't get to hold it to feel if it was really 6.8kg. It was when they left, and then I carried it then I realized... it's not even 5kg. I know how heavy a 5kg pack of rice feels so when I lifted this bag up, I knew I was cheated.

I even used my home weighing machine to weigh it... see, it's not even 3kg.

These guys are really atrocious.

I texted my neighbor and she said she paid 3 for $40!!!! Why did they tell me it was 3 for $100?! I should have called her up when they said they had just sold durians to them. Argh.

I felt really bad for 'wasting' my husband's hard earned money. The iphone was a very bad lesson and now this is another one.

That's all because I was too trusting. Now I am very wary of strangers.

And what did I do after realizing that I was cheated? I quickly dialed the number up but THERE WASN'T SUCH A NUMBER!

I even carried my child down to the carpark and see if they were still around. I had the courage to confront them since I had all the facts and evidence that they were liars.

But... alas... they were gone too soon. Tch.

It's because of people like them who make this society a less pleasant place to be in. Shame on you.

(The first guy is slightly plump, claims to be from Yong Peng and it was his grandma who plants durian trees. He seemed sincere in conversations. The partner looks like an ah beng, short hair and is about 1.70m tall. He's of a slim build and is shrewd at doing business talk)

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