
31 July 2013

Dawn Will Make a Good Sis

When I see how Dawn looks after her younger cousins, I knew that she would make for a good older sister.

She just .. likes to do things for others. And that includes helping me wearing my shoes. Yes yes, she actually rushes to me when I wear my sandals and she would pull the back strap for my leg to go in. LOL.

And here's a picture of her feeding her cousin with ice cream.
 And that brings us to another topic.

Why not have a second child?

You think we don't want ah.

Things just work this way sometimes... the more you want something, the further it shall be... and when you do not want something, it just comes to you straight at your face.

We should just relax.... but be proactive at times. Don't just keep rushing for something and you lose sight of others.

It will be great if the second one comes along that's not too far from Dawn's age. I mean, you wouldn't want a age gap of 14 years and more when it comes to your children right? By then it's not just them, it's about the parents. Their health will definitely take on a toll. Alright, better not digress.

加油 to those who are trying hard! :D

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