
09 May 2013

They Say It's Not Easy to Raise a Kid...

and they are right.

It doesn't matter if you have a relative or helper to help you because there are things that you just have to do it on your own. Breastfeeding, comforting, lecturing, and etc. Plus, it's not easy being both the good and bad guy.

And my little one has just turned 2. There's a commonly heard term called the 'Terrible Twos' and I can see that why.

One, she still can't express herself in words. Her speech is still limited to a few audible words. Most of the time she would just be throwing tantrum and kicking on the floor when the adults do not understand her.

Two, she can actually start potty training but she just doesn't like the idea of pulling her pants down to wee wee. She feels exasperated, so do I.

Three, if she wants things her way, she just got to have it in her way.

Four, when we talk to her with reasons on hand, she can continue to bawl and refuse to hear us out. Ohhhh... super pek cek (frustrating)!

And these, my friends, are just a few signs of her Terrible Twos stage.

Really, it isn't easy.

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